No Better Love than Food

Join, bake, and share, because there is No Better Love Than Food. 

Happy Holidays! 

Regardless of which holiday you are celebrating, NBL wishes you and your loved ones a fantastic holiday season. Here's to another year of spreading love and cheer! 

CONGRATULATIONS To everyone On the New school Year!


Looking forward to next year as members advance to college, good luck grads!!!

Thank you Volunteers!!!

Fabulously decorated cookies for the Valentine's day cookie drive.

Contact: to learn how you can join, donate, bake, cook, and share with us! 

Follow Our Instagram @nobetterlovethanfood to keep updated with the latest events and news! 

Rocky Road Cookies

Part of the October, Halloween Dessert Drive

Cookie Crew!

Congratulations to the 

Wellesley High School Food Interest Club (F.I.C.) 

Bake Sale!!!

Big thanks to the WHS FIC

Proceeds to benefit Hebron Food Pantry

Our mission:

Mission Statement: To foster love and understanding by sharing language, culture, and food. The name No Better Love than Food is based on a quotation from Bernard Shaw's play Man and Superman, "There is no sincerer love than the love of food." Starting in the classrooms at Wellesley High School, the members of NBL hope to foster dialogue between cultures and countries through meals and other shared experiences. 


Founder: Andrew Song  

President: Ryan Song

Vice President: Kaloyan Dragonav 

Treasurer: Phillip Song

Members: Charlotte Song, Chris Lin, Samantha Ng, Benjamin Harris, Tess Bassett, Jackson Chiappetta, Addie Sanft 

Holiday Cookie Drive

Many thanks to the Wellesley High School Food Interest Club members for the food pantry donations.  Hoping to make the Holidays a little sweeter for the patrons of Hebron Food Pantry!